Monday, March 5, 2012

2012 Caudill Nominee - The Girl Who Threw Butterflies (Student Review)

The Girl Who Threw Butterflies

Molly Williams is your average 8th grade girl, but she’s so confused! Her father, whom she’s very close with, just died in a mysterious, one car-car crash and nobody’s sure how. For some unknown reason, Molly joins the baseball team, the boy’s baseball team. She hopes to make it with a complicated and rare pitch that her father taught her when she was little. It has many different names, the butterfly, the knuckler, but the most common name for it is: the knuckleball. Now Molly has to figure things out in just one season! How will the boys take her? How can she coax her mother out of this sad shell she’s hiding in? How will Molly stay sane?
            I would rate this book 4 out of 5 because the characters are real and believable and you really love them, but the pace was just a little slow for my liking. Other tan that kids will absolutely love this novel, the story line is interesting and it’s a story for both boys and girls. I would recommend this for grades 6 and up, there’s no cussing or violence. It’s really a family friendly story! Enjoy! 

Kenzie (8th Grade)

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